Union Minister for Law and Parliamentary Affairs Arjun Ram Meghwal, launched a scathing attack on the Congress during the foundation anniversary of the RSS mouthpiece 'Panchjanya' at the 'Bharat Ki Bat Ashtayam' program, accusing the party of fabricating false narratives around the Constitution.
Meghwal, in his address, criticised Congress for its contradictory stance on the Constitution, highlighting that the party, despite claiming to defend it, was responsible for the first amendment in 1951 aimed at curbing freedom of expression. "Congress altered the Constitution early on, with Nehru being the first to introduce the amendment to suppress free speech," Meghwal pointed out. "Since then, they have consistently manipulated the Constitution, yet they now pose as its protectors." The minister went on to denounce Congress's role in the 39th Constitutional Amendment, which stripped citizens of the right to challenge the elections of key political figures like the President, Prime Minister, and Speaker in a court. "This was a direct violation of the Constitution's principles," Meghwal remarked. Meghwal also took issue with Congress' role in extending the Lok Sabha term from five to six years and altering the preamble of the Constitution during the Emergency. "These are the same people who have tampered with the Constitution, and now they lecture us on its sanctity," he said with disdain. On the allegations that the BJP controls the media, Meghwal firmly rejected the claim. "We do not control the media. It is free to report as it chooses, but the opposition continues to spread false narratives," he declared. Further addressing the issue of Congress leaders visiting Mahu on January 26, Meghwal reminded the public that it was under the BJP government, led by Sunderlal Patwa, that a memorial for Dr B R Ambedkar was built in the town. He emphasized that Congress showed little interest in Ambedkar's birthplace while in power, and now, with their "fake narrative" unravelling, their efforts to distort history were no longer effective. Concluding his speech, Meghwal reiterated the BJP's commitment to safeguarding the Constitution and exposing the falsehoods propagated by Congress. "The truth is clear to the people, and these fabricated stories are losing their influence," he said. (ANI)