The Uttar Pradesh Police on Thursday arrested another accused in connection with the violent incidents of stone pelting, burning of a police bike, and looting of magazines and cartridges of a police pistol that took place on November 24, 2024, near the Jama Masjid area of Sambhal district.
According to a statement by the police, the accused was identified as Shahbaz, who accepted firing at the police with the intention to kill in the incident. The police further stated that they had recovered an illegal 12-bore pistol from the accused along with one empty cartridge and one live cartridge. The accused also accepted that he, along with his friends, attacked the policemen and also set fire to the policemen's motorcycles, the statement read. The accused stated that following the violence, he fled to Delhi as the police began searching for him. In Delhi, the police were raiding locations to capture the rioters, and it was there that his companion Adnan was arrested from Watla House. According to the statement, Shahbaz was arrested as he was appearing in court in connection with a case related to Adnan. Earlier, the Uttar Pradesh police arrested 50 people in connection with the violence near the Jama Masjid area in Sambhal district on November 24. Sambhal Superintendent (SP) Krishnan Kumar Bishnoi said that 50 people have been arrested and the search is on for 91 people connected with the violence. He further added that some individuals are yet to be identified. "50 people have been arrested so far in the violence that took place in Sambhal on November 24. The search is on for another 91 people. Some people are yet to be identified," said SP Bishnoi. "The investigation is being carried out from all angles--the cause of the incident and the people behind it. The police have not concluded yet," he added. This development comes after recent violence in the area, during an Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) survey of a Mughal-era mosque last month, which led to four deaths and injuries among police and locals. (ANI)