Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav virtually inaugurated a pilgrimage program organised in Ujjain district under the 'Mukhyamantri Teerth Darshan Yojana', via video conferencing from Indore Airport on Saturday.
During the event, CM Yadav also virtually flagged off a train carrying senior citizens from Ujjain, the city of Baba Mahakal, to Varanasi, Kashi Vishwanath. Speaking on the occasion, CM Yadav said, "Teerth Yatras hold great significance in Sanatan Dharma. They symbolise the unity and integrity of our country. A person attains salvation by undertaking these pilgrimages. It absolves our sins and paves the way for salvation. To fulfil the faith of our elderly, the Madhya Pradesh government is providing them free travel to pilgrimage sites through the Mukhyamantri Teerth Darshan Yojana." The Chief Minister also extended his best wishes to the pilgrims, affirming that the state government is always committed to upholding the unity and integrity of the nation. He added, "People come and go, but it is essential to take some time out of domestic life to embark on a pilgrimage. In Madhya Pradesh, the 'PM Shri Helicopter Service' has also been introduced for travel between pilgrimage sites. Additionally, an air ambulance service is available to save the lives of critically ill individuals in the state." Mukhyamantri Teerth Darshan Yatra is an ambitious scheme of the Madhya Pradesh government. Under this initiative, free travel and darshan are arranged for elderly citizens above 60 years of age at religious and pilgrimage sites across different states of the country. A group of 300 pilgrims from Ujjain district have departed for Kashi and are expected to return to Ujjain on September 26, according to an official release. (ANI)