Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan on Thursday said that the farmer should get a fair price for their crops, therefore, centres would be opened to buy soybeans at the Minimum Support Price (MSP) rate of Rs 4892 a quintal in the state.
"I met the Union Home Minister yesterday and talked regarding the strengthening of the economic condition of the farmers via the National Dairy Development Board. In view of increasing milk production, the number of dairy cattle and farmers getting fair prices, we have undertaken a huge project under the National Dairy Development Board. Along with this, the farmer should get a fair price for their crops, therefore, centres would be opened to buy soybeans at MSP at the rate of Rs 4892 a quintal. I hope farmers will be benefitted," CM Yadav said. "Ujjain-Indore 6-lane road is a huge project worth Rs 5,500 crores. To inaugurate this project, we have requested the President and her detailed programme schedule is yet to come. The state government is continuously stepping forward on the path of development. I hope the public will also contribute to the development and Madhya Pradesh will become number one state in development in the country," he added. Earlier on Wednesday, CM Yadav expressed his gratitude to the Central Government for approving the state government's proposal to procure soybean crop at the MSP. "The policies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi government have always been farmer-friendly and similarly, the Madhya Pradesh government has also always worked for the welfare of the farmers. As soon as I came to know that farmers were worried regarding the price of soybean, I put a proposal before the state cabinet and the proposed MSP rate of Rs 4,892 a quintal for procurement of soybean was sent on Tuesday for the approval of the Central Government. It has been approved on Wednesday," CM Yadav said. "I would like to express my gratitude to PM Modi, Union Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and Union Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal for this decision taken in the interest of farmers," the CM added. Madhya Pradesh is the largest soybean-producing state, with about 60 per cent production of total soybean production in India. (ANI)