Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Tuesday reiterated that the Uttarakhand government will be introducing the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) before November 9, the state's foundation day.
The Chief Minister said, "Apart from the anti-copying law, the state government has implemented laws like anti-conversion law, anti-riot, etc. With their implementation, today Uttarakhand has been identified across the country as a disciplined state with zero tolerance towards crime. The Uniform Civil Code will be implemented in the state before November 9, 2024." Notably, the state was carved out of Uttar Pradesh on November 9 in the year 2000 during the Atal Bihari Vajpayee-led central government. It was initially named Uttaranchal, which was changed to Uttarakhand on January 1, 2007. The BJP government introduced the UCC Bill during a special session of the Uttarakhand Legislative Assembly on February 6 this year and it was passed with a comfortable majority a day later on February 7. The passage of the UCC Bill marked a "historic day" in the history of Uttarakhand, Dhami said. The Uniform Civil Code seeks to establish a set of uniform personal laws that apply to all citizens, regardless of religion, gender, or caste. This would cover aspects such as marriage, divorce, adoption, inheritance, and succession. Prime Minister Narendra Modi too, while delivering his Independence Day address to the nation on August 15, batted for a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) stating that India will now have to move towards a secular civil code to free the country from religion-based discrimination. PM Modi also called for a discussion over the proposed implementation of the Uniform Civil Code across the country and asked people to give their suggestions. (ANI)