Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has dropped Higher Education Minister Rohit Pujari from the council of ministers, sources said.
According to sources, chief minister Patnaik has recommended to Odisha Governor Prof Ganeshhi Lal to exclude minister Rohit Pujari from the State Cabinet. The recommendation has come reportedly in view of the poor performance by the state higher education department in annual performance, informed sources. "CM Patnaik reviewed the performances of all the departments from May 22 to June 2 wherein, it was found that the performance of the Higher Education Department was at the bottom of the list", sources said. According to an official notification, the charge of the Higher Education Department has been assigned to the Food and Supplies Minister Atanu Sabyasachi Nayak. Rohit Pujari, who represents Rairakhol Assembly Constituency was inducted into the Cabinet in June last year. (ANI)