Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday held a high-level meeting with MCD officials on the rising number of stray dogs in the city and directed officials to take up sterilisation and anti-rabies vaccination on priority.
He directed officials to prepare a detailed plan of action on the issue of stray dogs and cows on the priority, and take up 100 per cent sterilisation and 100 per cent anti-rabies vaccination of dogs on priority. In the case of stray cows, the CM has instructed officials to procure additional trucks and construct another Gaushala to ensure safe rehabilitation. The Municipal Corporation of Delhi would also purchase an additional 16 trucks to transport old cows to the Gaushalas. Currently, the MCD only has 12 trucks for this purpose. With the addition of these new trucks, the MCD will have a total of 28 trucks to collect these animals and take them to the Gaushalas. Delhi government currently operates four Gaushalas for stray cows in the city and is planning to construct one more. The Chief Minister has directed the officials of MCD to prepare a comprehensive plan for the construction of the new cowshed at the earliest. --IANS avr/vd ( 212 Words) 2023-03-20-22:10:03 (IANS)