Two Kerala government doctors attached to the Chavakad Taluk Hospital in Thrissur district were on Wednesday taken into custody by the Vigilance and Anti Corruption Bureau (VACB) for taking bribe from attendant of a patient.
They were identified as Pradeep Varghese Koshy and Veena Varghese. The doctors were caught in the act of accepting the bribe from a man whose wife was admitted to the gynaecology ward of the hospital. The man informed the VACB officials that the two doctors had asked him for a bribe and the officials gave him Rs 3,000 and Rs 2,000 and asked him to hand over it to them. As he was handing over the money, the VACB team reached the spot and apprehended the two doctors. The VACB officials have registered a case against the two doctors and are probing further. --IANS sg/vd ( 154 Words) 2023-03-01-19:04:02 (IANS)