Calcutta High Court's Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay, who had been in regular headlines during the entire 2022 for his judgements and observations in the multi-crore teacher's scam in West Bengal, was in the news once again on Sunday but for a different reason.
Ganadarpan, a social service organisation dedicated to the task of motivating people to pledge their eyes and bodies after their deaths, on Sunday afternoon, announced that Justice Gangopadhyay has contacted them with the intention of declaring pledging of his eye and body after death. Justice Gangopadhyay will come a function of the organisation on January 10 and officially declare to pledge his eye and body. The date of January 10 has been chosen for that purpose since on that day way back in 1836, the first Indian's first dissection at Calcutta Medical College took place. The name of the first Indian dissector was Madhusudan Gupta. On the occasion, Justice Gangopadhyay will also release book "Mrityui Sesh Kotha Noi (Life is not the end of everything)", penned by Ganadarpan's secretary, Shyamal Chatterjee. Ganadarpan's General Secretary, Sudipta Saha Roy informed that CPI-M Rajya Sabha member and senior advocate, Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya will also be present on the occasion. Established in 1977, coinciding with the year of the beginning of 34-year Left Front rule in West Bengal, Ganadarpan witnessed the association of a number of individuals from the cultural and social work fields. Since 1985, the organisation has taken up the task of motivating individuals of the society to donate their bodies for the promotion and benefit of medical sciences. Working entirely on a voluntary basis, it also organises a monthly interactive session on various scientific problems on every fourth Saturday. --IANS src/vd A ( 299 Words) 2023-01-08-19:42:03 (IANS)