Aakanksha Maheshwari, a 24-year-old post-graduate resident doctor working at Bhopal's Hamidia Hospital, allegedly committed suicide by injecting some suspicious chemical into her body.
The police claimed to have recovered a suicide note, in which Aakanksha wrote: "I can't take that much stress." However, the police are yet to reveal more details in the case, stating that the matter is under investigation. "Senior officers have joined the probe. The other doctors and her colleagues at the hospital are being questioned. The development has shocked her friends and family. We can't comment more on the case until we get the autopsy report," a police officer said. Aakanksha was found dead at her hostel room in Gandhi Medical College (GMC) at around 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Sources told IANS that Aakanksha was on duty in the morning, but she returned to her hostel room early complaining of illness. Later in the evening, when some other resident doctors returned to their hostel rooms, they noticed that Aakanksha's room was closed. Later, she was found lying unconscious in her room. Senior doctors, including the head of GMC and the dean, rushed to the spot after informing the police, one of the resident doctors told IANS. Aakanksha, who hailed from Gwalior, had recently enrolled for MD in Pediatrics at the Gandhi Medical College, the biggest state-run medical college in Madhya Pradesh. The college is located within the campus of Hamidia Hospita. --IANS pd/arm ( 248 Words) 2023-01-04-23:24:05 (IANS)