Like every fan of Rajinikanth, actor Anupam Kher proved that he is one of them. On Tuesday, the actor shared a video with Megastar and called him "god's gift to mankind."
Recently, the two met in Delhi for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's swearing-in ceremony. Taking to Instagram, Kher posted a video with Rajinikanth from their Delhi meet. In the video, Kher can be seen walking beside Rajinikanth and heard saying "The one and only, Mr. Rajini-the-kanth! The one and only! The God's gift to mankind! Waah." Rajinikanth smiled and looked at the camera. Sharing the clip, he wrote, "God's gift to mankind! The one and only - #Rajnikanth! Jai Ho!" As soon as the video was shared, fans flooded the comment section. One of the users wrote, "Yes Gods gift as you said, one of my favourite actors." Another user commented, "You Both are Gods Gift." Rajinikanth and Kher were in attendance at the oath ceremony of PM Modi which took place at Rashtrapati Bhavan on June 9. On the acting front, Rajinikanth has completed the shoot of his upcoming movie Vettaiyan, directed by TJ Gnanavel. Vettaiyan also stars Amitabh Bachchan. Vettaiyan, which is Rajinikanth's 170th film, is scheduled for a worldwide release in October this year. Earlier this month, Rajinikanth and Amitabh were seen filming a few scenes together in Mumbai. Anupam Kher, on the other hand, has 'The Signature', 'Emergency', 'Vijay 69', and the Curse of Damyaan' and a few other films in his kitty. (ANI)