Actor Manoj Joshi is all set to come up with Neeraj Sahay's directorial 'The UP Files.'
In an interview with ANI, Manoj shared details about his role in the movie. Stating about the film, he said, "This is UP's File, and I am playing the role of CM Abhay Pratap Singh in this film. When a new Chief Minister comes to this state, which is a spoiled state, with his determination and willpower, he does all the things that are necessary to establish Swaraj. "To date, we have got good Prime Ministers from Uttar Pradesh, still Uttar Pradesh was lagging behind in the area of infrastructure." Manoj added, "In the Uttar Pradesh that we are seeing today, you must have seen examples of how land mafia are being restrained or how they are being controlled. You will get to see all of that in this film." Manoj also gave a message to those people who think this movie is made on some propaganda. He said, "If this seems like propaganda to someone, then so be it. If you show what is happening in reality and take inspiration from it, because of what you can see it in the news you read every day when you don't show it, what else can be shown in a picture." Director Neeraj Sahay said, "I am inspired by Yogi ji. Our Prime Minister works so hard but we also have to support him in his efforts. It is the responsibility of a CM to control all the things in his state and eliminate all these things poverty, starvation, and also to move the state forward and his country feels like this. As Sanyasi,he doesn't want anything for himself, he is not greedy. He thinks only good for the progress of the country and the people of the country. So if such people move forward the country will improve." 'The UP Files' is produced by Kuldeep Umrao Singh Ostwal and directed by Neeraj Sahay. Apart from Manoj, the movie stars Manjari Phadnis, Avtar Gill, Ali Asgar, Shahnawaz Khan, and Milind Gunaji. The movie will be released on March 1. (ANI)