Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Tuesday visited Rani Chapori in Dharapur, Kamrup district and witnessed the flourishing cultivation of diverse crops by the farmers of the area in the sprawling sand bar on the Brahmaputra river.
He suggested multi-pronged strategies for the development of the Chapori including its farmers. The CM spent around 2.5 hours in Chapori, talking to the farmers, and listening to their problems. He also said that state government will take steps in allotting land pattas to the farmers who are cultivating the chapori. CM Sarma upon reaching Chapori by boat and tractor, covered a sizeable area of Chapori on foot and saw the cultivation done by the farmers. It may be noted that around 500 farmers' families reside there, practise organic farming and transform the 705-hectare area of the Chapori into a flourishing green expanse, reflecting the spirit of self-reliance. CM Sarma during his visit also interacted with the farmers and took stock of various challenges faced by them. Considering the problem of soil erosion, which posed a serious threat to Chapori, Sarma said that initiatives would be taken to arrest the problem. He said that he would ask Water Resources Minister Pijush Hazarika to study the problem using the expertise of the department and come out with a plan to revert the erosion problem faced by the chapori. He also said that considering the connectivity issue with the chapori, State government would also study the feasibility of constructing a bridge to the chapori. With regard to the electricity problem, the Chief Minister assured the farmers to install more solar lights and replace the out-of-order solar pumps with new ones to irrigate the entire cultivable land. Sarma also said that since tractors play a key role in making farming more profitable, he assured the farmers that his government would take steps to ensure that more and more farmers have access to modern farming equipment to make agriculture more profitable. The CM also told the farmers that his government will make necessary marketing linkage for the farmers of the Chapori to sell their produce. The Chief Minister said, "The farmers of Rani Chapori are setting an example by producing diverse crops and supporting the livelihood of an entire community. I am impressed by their focus on Atmanirbhar Krishi". On being informed about petty theft incidents in the Chapori allegedly by miscreants from the nearby areas, he said that the River Police Force would be sensitized to deal with the issue. During his visit also CM paid his obeisance to Shiva and Jagannath at a temple in Chapori. CM Sarma during his day-long visit also attended the Bhogali celebrations organized by the Brahmaputra Kala Kristi Sangha in Garal. While celebrating the festive spirit of the occasion, Sarma engaged in discussion with the locals, listened to their civic concerns and assured them of prompt and effective solutions. Later, the Chief Minister also paid his visit to Garigaon Bornamghar and offered his prayers for the welfare of all sections of the people. During his visit, he received a memorandum outlining the challenges faced by the locals. He spent time listening to the problems of the residents and assured them that steps would be taken to resolve all their issues. CM Sarma also inaugurated Debokanta Bhawan at Sadilapur and laid the foundation for its first floor. The Bhawan adjacent to the Kanai Thakur Namghar is expected to serve as a venue for meetings and other spiritual gatherings. (ANI)