Megastar Chiranjeevi on Monday visited Yashoda Hospital to inquire about the health of former Telangana chief minister K Chandrashekara Rao, in Hyderabad. KCR is recuperating from the hip replacement surgery. Several visuals from the hospital surfaced online in which Chiranjeevi is seen greeting KCR. After paying a visit to KCR, Chiranjeevi also briefly spoke to the media and shared an update about the latter's health. Chiranjeevi revealed that KCR is doing quite well. KCR underwent total left hip replacement surgery after he fell in his farmhouse in Erravalli, on December 7. Earlier, Yashoda Hospital, where Telangana former Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao is hospitalised has said that the latter has a left hip fracture and would require left hip replacement that may take 6-8 weeks to recover. "Kalvakuntla Chandrashekhar Rao Garu had a slip and fall in his Bathroom at his Residence and was subsequently brought to Yashoda Hospital for further care. On evaluation, including CT scans he was found to have a left Hip fracture (Extracapsular Neck of femur fracture). He would require left hip replacement for the same and the usual course of recovery for such cases is expected to be six to eight weeks," the hospital said in a statement. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also prayed for his recovery. In a tweet on X, PM Modi wrote, "Distressed to know that former Telangana CM KCR Garu has suffered an injury. I pray for his speedy recovery and good health." Telugu Desam Party Chief N Chandrababu Naidu and Telangana Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka visited the Yashoda Hospital in Hyderabad to meet with KCR. On Sunday, Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy paid a visit to KCR at Yashoda Hospital with Minister Seethakka and former minister Mohammed Ali Shabbir. (ANI)