Bollywood lovers would love to watch superstar Shah Rukh Khan gracing famous 'Koffee with Karan' couch as it's been a long time since he last graced the Koffee couch. He last appeared on KWK back in 2016 for Season 5's premiere episode with his 'Dear Zindagi' co-star Alia Bhatt.
On Monday, Karan hosted a press event, where he answered several questions related to the show. He also spilled the beans on whether King Khan will be seen on KWK 8 or not! However, as per Karan's answer, it seems like SRK may not make an appearance on his show anytime soon. "I just know that if there is any megastar who has earned his right to speak when he needs to, it is Shah Rukh Khan. I, of all the people, have been his closest friend and family and should understand that. I have that leverage because he is family to me. I can ask him and request him. He has never said no to me. So I never asked," Karan said. "Because I know he didn't want to be in that situation where he has to say no to me. I pick and choose what I ask for. He is somebody who matters the world to me. He is family to me. He is my older brother, he is everything. I know when the time is right, I will ask him. And I know when he wants to speak, he will," he added. Karan said he would ask SRK to be a part of the show when the right time is there. "I know when the right time is there, I will ask him and when he has to speak, he will and when he does I know it will be extraordinary because no one gives interviews better than Shah Rukh Khan. Nobody speaks better than him. When he speaks on a global platform or on a National platform, he is just a wizard of words and truly the emperor of not just entertainment on screen, but also offscreen and all our collective love for him is because of the man that he has been to us offscreen," he said. Karan is currently busy hosting the eighth season of 'Koffee with Karan', which streams on Disney+ Hotstar. (ANI)