Global icon Priyanka Chopra Jonas on Sunday graced the red carpet event on the third day of the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival 2023.
The actor exuded her 'Desi Girl' vibe at the event as she donned a white and blue floral saree. She kept her hair open and completed her look with red lipstick. Several pictures and videos of the 'Dostana' actor surfaced on social media in which she could be seen posing in front of the paps. Earlier on Friday, she opened the event with a stirring speech on the important role played by women in cinema. She said, "We would like to acknowledge the pivotal role of women in front of the camera and behind it - we have some of the most amazing women, some of them here tonight, whose contribution to cinema is unparalleled." Several B-town celebs including Priyanka Chopra, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Rajkumar Rao, Sunny Leone, Sonam Kapoor, Sail Ali Khan, Vijay Varma and director Karan Johar arrived at the opening night. The Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival returns with an impressive list of some of the top films from around the world with over 250 films spread over 10 days. It is being held from October 27 to November 5. The festival promises to spotlight contemporary films and new cinematic voices from South Asia. The main competition at the festival this year is the South Asia Competition. It aligns with the festival's new vision to become a hub for South Asian and South Asian Diaspora cinema and talent. This competitive section aims to showcase breakthrough contemporary South Asian films. (ANI)