As Ganesh Chaturthi is around the corner, actor Shraddha Kapoor cant keep calm to celebrate the festival. The actor on Tuesday got a chance to grab a bite of delicious modak ahead of the festival.
Taking to Instagram story, Shraddha shared a picture of her Modak and captioned it, Early bird catches the Modak. #GaneshChaturthiComingSoon. Ganesh Chaturthi celebrates the birth of Lord Ganesha. It is one of the most popular Hindu festivals which is celebrated for 10 days. People believed that during this time, Lord Ganesha arrived on Earth with her mother and Goddess Parvati. This year the Ganesh Chaturthi festival will begin on September 19 and will continue for ten days until September 29. Meanwhile, she is currently busy shooting for 'Stree 2'. The film recently went on floors in Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh. Makers of the upcoming horror comedy film officially announced their film at a grand event in Mumbai in April where the team enacted a skit to announce the release date of the horror comedy sequel. The second part will be out in theatres in August 2024. Shraddha was last seen opposite Ranbir Kapoor in the rom-com 'Tu Jhooti Main Makakar'. (ANI)