After entering the Rs 100 crore club, the craze of Shah Rukhs recent release Jawan doesnt seem to end any sooner. Now the film has made another mark at the box office by scoring the highest single-day collection ever.
Taking to Instagram story, Deepika Padukone treated fans with this exciting news. Jawan in the Hindi language has minted to Rs 68.72 crore on Saturday and in all languages it ranked 144.22 crore. In just three days, the film created a tsunami by scoring total collection of Rs 180.45 crore. Taking to Instagram, trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared,TSUNAMI - HURRICANE - TYPHOON#Jawanis a#BOMONSTER, goes on an overdrive on Day 3 [Sat] Creates HISTORY, HIGHEST *3-day* ever [#Hindiversion] Await Day 4 [Sun], picture abhi baaki hain Thu 65.50 cr, Fri 46.23 cr, Sat 68.72 cr. Total: 180.45 cr.#Hindi.#Indiabiz.#Boxoffice. He added, #Pathaanvs#Jawan- 3 days#Pathaan: 161 cr [Wed - Fri]#Jawan: 180.45 cr [Thu - Sat]Surpasses#Pathaan#RepublicDaybiz.#SRKvsSRK#Hindi #Jawan[#Tamil+#Telugu] Thu 9.50 cr, Fri 7 cr, Sat 9.11 cr. Total: 25.61 cr. On Friday, the film minted Rs 46.23 crores in India which took the film's total collection to Rs 111.73 crores in just two days of its release. Taking to Instagram, trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared a post and wrote, #Jawan is PHENOMENAL on Day 2 [working day, after *partial holiday* on Thu] Biz jumped post 4.30 pm Evening/night shows on Metros, non-metros, mass pockets - the response is EXCEPTIONAL Sat - Sun will witness BIGGG GAINS 235 cr - 250 cr [*extended* weekend] on the cards Thu 65.50 cr, Fri 46.23 cr. Total: 111.73 cr. #Hindi. #India biz. #Boxoffice The film witnessed a massive start at the Indian box office and collected Rs 65.50 crores on its opening day. According to Red Chillies Entertainment, the film minted Rs 129.6 crore worldwide gross. This marks the biggest opening day in the history of Indian cinema. With this, the SRK starrer film has become the biggest Hindi opener film of all time. Earlier,SRKs comeback film Pathaan minted Rs 55 Crores on its opening day and now Jawan has surpassed its first-day collection. Helmed by Atlee, the film stars Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi in the lead roles. Actor Deepika Padukone could be seen in a guest appearance role. The film received massive responses from the audience as well as the critics. Apart from this,SRKwill be next seen in director Rajkumar Hiranis next film Dunki opposite Taapsee Pannu. The official release date of Dunki is still awaited. (ANI)