Actor Shraddha Kapoor, on Thursday, shared pictures in which she looks alluring in a white lehenga, dressed for filmmaker Luv Ranjan's wedding.
The 'Baaghi 3' actor took to her Instagram handle and shared the outfit she wore for the wedding, along with the caption in Hindi, "Surya Shakti". Shraddha sported a white toned lehenga which featured a simple quarter sleeve blouse, paired with a flared skirt and dupatta. She kept her look simple yet elegant with tied hair and statement earrings. Apart from Shraddha, the wedding was attended by several celebrities, including Ranbir Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, Kartik Aaryan, Varun Sharma, Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani, among others. Many pictures were doing rounds on the internet in which the guests can be seen all dressed up in white for the occasion. Luv Ranjan tied the knot with his lady love Alisha Vaid in Agra on Sunday. Meanwhile, on the work front, the 'Saaho' actor will be seen in Luv Ranjan's untitled film opposite Ranbir Kapoor. Veteran actors Dimple Kapadia and Boney Kapoor are starring in the film as Ranbir's parents. The film will be released in cinemas on January 26, 2023. (ANI)