SINGAPORE, July 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Since its official launch in 2022, GESS – International School's BeyondClassrooms programme has now grown to become a network of 16 industry partners - with more in the pipeline - and supported by embassy and business chamber associates. Bearing testament to the effort and result of the programme is its winning a Silver Medal in the CASE Circle of Excellence Awards 2023, Student Engagement category awarded by Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) and being a finalist in the prestigious 2023 SICC Awards by the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC).

Created as a gateway to real-world opportunities for GESS' students, the programme aims to prepare them for a world that is rapidly developing, especially on the science, technology and engineering fronts. As a holistic school, GESS believes that students' learning outside the classroom is equally important as the lessons within. It is through partnering industry leaders such as BASF, BluCurrent, BMW Group Asia, Evonik, Siemens, TĂśV SĂśD, Volocopter and more that students experience 21st century learning.
In the past year, 50 activities ranging from industry talks, site visits, university and career counselling, and more were made possible for students. 120 internship placements were created for Grade 9 students. In addition to these, students took to the stage as presenters, emcees and singers in front of C-suite audiences at major corporate events.
Principal of GESS, Mr. Stefan Pauli says, "BeyondClassrooms is our initiative to create exclusive opportunities for our students to learn from industry partners and organisations, so they can be better prepared for their future. Upholding our school's motto that every child deserves the freedom to grow, these opportunities enable them to discover their interests and talents from a young age. As they make better informed decisions about their future when their school journey at GESS comes to an end, we want them to feel empowered to contribute positively to tomorrow's world."
GESS has identified strengthening collaboration between educational institutions and industries as the way forward, to prepare next generations for new jobs that may not even exist now. Not only are the older students benefitting from BeyondClassrooms, the programme and partners have created activities suitable for our younger students, as well as keep our teachers updated on and relevant to what is happening in the world and in the foreseeable future.

BeyondClassrooms will be expanding its network to involve and engage a broader spectrum of corporates and embassies, the Singapore community, and like-minded social entities who share our commitment to giving back to our community. Internship offerings will also be extended to a bigger group of students, and activities will become more integrated with curriculum to deliver limitless learning both within and beyond the classroom.
Check out BeyondClassrooms here:
GESS Magazine | BeyondClassrooms – Enabling Opportunities for Our Students
GESS - International School on YouTube | BeyondClassrooms Programme
About GESS – International School |
Nurturing students aged two to 18, GESS – International School is a not-for-profit, leading holistic school, offering a choice between the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum (PYP, MYP and DP) or German curriculum. We invest every dollar back into creating the best environment for our children's limitless learning. This includes - but is not limited to - providing world class facilities and infrastructure, complementing the soft- and "heart"-ware that is our personalised education and well-being support for students. We take pride in our language programmes, not only for our students to become confident multilingual global citizens, but also opening future possibilities as well as connecting students to their cultural roots. We also count among our strengths, a BeyondClassrooms programme in collaboration with corporate partners, After School Programmes, and sports and physical education.
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