Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami addressed a public meeting in support of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Harish Khurana in the Moti Nagar assembly constituency of Delhi on Friday, according to a release.
CM Dhami criticised the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), calling it 'corrupt' and 'useless,' stating that it came to power by lying, did not want the people of Delhi to get the benefits of the schemes of the central government started under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. While the work of providing water to various states of the country under the 'Har Ghar Nal Se Jal Abhiyan' is being done across the country, people in Delhi are not getting the benefit of this scheme, a statement from the release said. Even today 40 percent of the population here is forced to buy water and drink it. He said that due to the poor thinking of the Aam Aadmi Party, people were not able to get the benefit of Ayushman Yojana. The Chief Minister further said that the party which could not clean the Yamuna after being in power for 11 years was now asking for five years for cleaning again. "Kejriwal and his party people should answer how the Yamuna which is sent clean and pure from Uttarakhand becomes so polluted in Delhi that its water is not fit for irrigation," he further added. Chief Minister Dhami said that Kejriwal committed "corruption" across multiple sectors, including clinics, medicine purchases, streetlights, buses, schools, and liquor. "AAP's Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia are still out on bail", he further said. The Chief Minister, also said that the people of Delhi are ready to oust the AAP from power in the upcoming elections. (ANI)