Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday while addressing a public meeting in the Rohini Assembly constituency ahead of the upcoming Delhi elections, took a jibe at the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal, accusing him of being involved in various corruption scandals, despite claiming to be "Kattar Imaandar."
"Kejriwal has claimed to be honest and refers to himself as 'Kattar Imaandar' but over the years, he alongside his party has been involved in scams totalling thousands of crores. He was also a part of the liquor scam and was involved in a scam of Rs 2,84,000 related to the Jal Board. He was also a part of a scam of Rs 5,400 which was related to ration distribution. The list of the scams goes on and on..." he further added. Furthermore, he said that removing AAP-da meant answering the corruption of 10 years of AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal. Shah further emphasised that the upcoming election provided an opportunity for Delhi voters to rid the capital of Kejriwal and AAP's governance and bring in a "double-engine" government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership. "Removing AAP-da means answering the corruption of 10 years of Arvind Kejriwal. On February 5, the people of Delhi have a chance to remove AAP from Delhi and form a double-engine government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi..." Shah said addressing the rally. Shah also accused the AAP government of turning Delhi into a "garbage dump" and promised that under BJP's rule, the city would be cleaned and beautified. He further criticised Kejriwal for blocking the Rs 5 lakh medical insurance coverage for Delhi residents under the Ayushman Bharat scheme. "For 10 years, AAP turned the whole of Delhi into a garbage dump. These people keep making excuses. Delhi will become beautiful, mountains of garbage will disappear, roads and streets will be cleaned..." he further added. "AAP promised to double the number of hospital rooms. Instead, they blocked Rs 5 lakh medical insurance coverage of the Delhi residents under the Ayushman scheme. Help us win Delhi, and we will ensure you receive Rs 10 lakh in medical coverage..." he added. He also called AAP a "party of lies and deceit," accusing Kejriwal of making false promises. "AAP means lies and deceit. They promised to close down the liquor shops in residential areas. Instead of closing, Kejriwal opened liquor shops near mandirs and schools... Kejriwal was a part of liquor scams worth crores, and hence he was jailed..." he further added. Shah raised questions about the toxic water issue in the Yamuna River, questioning Kejriwal's claims about "poisoned" water and demanding to know which poison had been mixed and where it had been tested. "They say that BJP people have mixed poison in the Yamuna water from Haryana to trouble the people of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, which poison have you mixed? In which laboratory did you get it tested? You are saying that you have stopped the poisoned water... but villages are still getting flooded. Tell me, has any village in Delhi been flooded though...?" he questioned. The Delhi Assembly elections are scheduled for February 5, with results set to be announced on February 8. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) aims to reclaim power in Delhi after nearly 27 years, while the AAP, which dominated the 2015 and 2020 elections, seeks to retain its stronghold in the capital. (ANI)