Launching a scathing attack against AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal, former Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Tuesday said that in the upcoming Delhi assembly elections, Kejriwal will get the answer to his habit of running away from his responsibilities by blaming others and that his political retirement is inevitable. He further slammed Kejriwal over his poison remark, saying he intended to create chaos.
"He will get the answer to his habit of running away from his responsibilities by blaming others on February 5. His political retirement is inevitable... We also consume the water that comes from Haryana. I drink the same water. Am I consuming poison? Kejriwal drinks the same water. Is he consuming the poison? He wants to create chaos and that is the reason that he uses a language like that. I want to ask him to maintain the dignity that an ex-Chief Minister should have and improve his language," said Biplab Kumar Deb. Ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections next week, Kejriwal on Monday alleged that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led Haryana government had "poisoned" the Yamuna water supplied to Delhi, claiming that it could have led to mass casualties. "BJP's Haryana government has poisoned the water in Yamuna," Kejriwal said in a press conference while claiming that the alertness of the Delhi Jal Board prevented the mixing of alleged poisoned water with drinking water. "If this water had entered Delhi only to be mixed with the drinking water, many people would have died in Delhi. It would have caused mass genocide," the former Delhi chief minister alleged. Meanwhile, the Delhi Jal Board refuted Arvind Kejriwal's claims, calling the "poisoned water" remark "factually incorrect.". Delhi Jal Board Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Shilpa Shinde on Monday wrote a letter to the Chief Secretary, stating that the statements made by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener Arvind Kejriwal were "factually incorrect." The Delhi Assembly elections are just around the corner, scheduled to take place on February 5, with the counting of votes set for February 8. (ANI)