BJP leader N Ramchander Rao on Friday accused the Aam Aadmi Party of being involved in the 2020 Delhi riots and anti-government protests following CAA and said that the party's convener Arvind Kejriwal cannot get away with this by blaming centre for law and order situation.
Rao hit out at the former Delhi CM following his jibe at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's criticism saying the law and order of the national capital comes under the Union Home Ministry and the former should guide Home Minister Amit Shah regarding how to mend it. "During the demonstration when the CAA was introduced in the Parliament, the entire Delhi riots and law and order disturbances were orchestrated by AAP...The communal riots were initiated by the Councillor and Corporator of AAP who supported the illegal immigrants from Bangladesh," said Rao while speaking to ANI. "Are they not responsible for the law and order disturbances in Delhi? It was AAP's blessings to these anti-national and anti-social elements in Delhi that created disturbances and law and order problems in Delhi," he added. "Today Mr Arvind Kejriwal cannot wash off his hands and say that law and order is the subject matter of the central government of India in Delhi. This is something shifting of the responsibility and escaping from the responsibility...," Rao added further. Notably, the war words commenced after Yogi Adityanath targeted Arvind Kejriwal over the alleged pollution in the Yamuna, saying that he and his cabinet took a dip in the Sangam at Prayagraj and challenged Kejriwal to do the same. The Delhi Assembly elections will take place in a single phase on February 5, and the counting of votes is set for February 8. A total of 699 candidates are competing for the 70 assembly seats in Delhi. The Congress, which was in power for 15 consecutive years in Delhi, has suffered setbacks in the last two assembly elections and has failed to win any seats. In contrast, the AAP dominated the 2015 and 2020 assembly elections by winning 67 and 62 seats, respectively, out of a total of 70 seats, while the BJP got only three and eight seats in these elections. (ANI)