Gujarat Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Isudan Gadhvi, who has been campaigning in Delhi ahead of the upcoming assembly elections, praised the party's national convener Arvind Kejriwal, saying that he is the only leader who fulfils the guarantees offered.
Attacking the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) over its announcement to provide women financial assistance worth Rs 2,500, he said that the BJP has never given such aid to women in Gujarat, where it has remained in power for 30 years. "Arvind Kejriwal is the leader who fulfils his guarantee. BJP never fulfils its guarantees. They are talking about giving women Rs 2,500. They never gave it in Gujarat for 30 years. BJP doesn't give money. As Amit Shah said, it is all jumla," Gadhvi told ANI. He further expressed that Kejriwal was in the hearts of people in Delhi and even Gujaratis while citing the number of votes AAP received in previous elections in Gujarat. "Arvind Kejriwal is in the hearts of the people of Delhi. You must have seen that now Arvind is in the hearts of Gujaratis too. In previous elections, we got 41 lakh votes. Here, in Madipur, there are Gujaratis. He has done a lot of work for the people in Delhi," Gadhvi said. As the election date for the assembly polls in Delhi nears, the political parties have intensified their campaigns with top leaderships holding public rallies, endorsing candidates from their respective parties. Yesterday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath was also in Delhi to campaign for BJP candidates. Meanwhile, AAP MP Sanjay Singh hit out at the BJP, saying that no matter how hard Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Yogi Adityanath try, the BJP will be "wiped out" in the upcoming Delhi assembly elections. "No matter how hard UP CM Yogi Adityanath, PM Modi try or they could even call US President Donald Trump to campaign, BJP will be wiped out in the Delhi elections," Singh told ANI. AAP MP Sanjay Singh questioned the Election Commission's ability to ensure fair elections, asking if it can't stop BJP candidates from distributing goods in the New Delhi assembly constituency, how can it ensure fair elections across the country. Earlier, Kejriwal also hit back at Adityanath's criticism of the Delhi government over the law and order situation and said the law and order of the national capital comes under the Union Home Ministry and the former should guide Home Minister Amit Shah on mending it. (ANI)