BJP leader and Vice Chairperson of Uttar Pradesh Women's Commission, Aparna Yadav, on Thursday exuded confidence in her party winning the Milkipur by-election and said that her party works hard every day, and their communication with the public is also very good.
Speaking to ANI, Aparna, the sister-in-law of Samajwadi Party Chief Akhilesh Yadav, appealed to the people to come and vote. "This is an important election. Bharatiya Janata Party works hard every day. We keep our workers ready for elections 365 days a year. Our communication with the public is very good. I would appeal to everyone to definitely come and vote. We will win," she said. The election in the Milkipur constituency was necessitated after the Samajwadi Party's (SP) Awadhesh Prasad vacated the seat after being elected to the Lok Sabha from Faizabad in the general election held last year. The Milkipur bypoll is scheduled for February 5, and votes will be counted on February 8. The Congress, Samajwadi Party's INDIA bloc ally, has decided not to field any candidate from Milkipur and has instead announced support for the SP candidate. For the by-polls, the SP has fielded Awadhesh Prasad's son Ajit Prasad. The Bharatiya Janata Party has fielded Chandrabhan Paswan from the seat. Earlier, Samajwadi Party Chief Akhilesh Yadav said that the by-poll would be the biggest election and demanded that the electoral process be transparent. "In Milkipur, not any person, but PDA representative is contesting. The Milkipur by-election will be the biggest election in the history of by-elections in the country. That is why we want journalists from all over the world to come and see, understand and cover this election. We invite leading scholars of the world to do a case study of this election. We want the Uttar Pradesh government to make this by-election an example of a transparent election and invite everyone. Milkipur election is a contest between PDA and the corrupt system of BJP," he said. (ANI)