Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate from the New Delhi Assembly seat, Parvesh Verma interacted with advocates residing in New Delhi constituency on Monday, during which he hit out at Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal for not talking about "real issues."
According to a statement released by Parvesh Verma's office, the candidate appealed to the advocates to support the BJP in the upcoming Delhi assembly elections. "He emphasized that former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's policies and deceitful politics have ruined Delhi," read the statement. He further accused the AAP chief of only making false promises and misleading people. "Kejriwal never talks about real issues because he has no achievements to showcase. In the last 10 years, he has only made false promises and misled people. The situation has become so dire that for the past 26 days, he has been taking my name morning and evening but is unable to highlight a single accomplishment of his own," Parvesh Verma said in his address. Imploring them to look at the "failures" of Kejriwal, Verma gave some examples too. "(Kejriwal) spent only Rs6 crore out of the Rs30 crore MLA fund: Arvind Kejriwal utilized merely Rs6 crore from the Rs30 crore MLA fund, ignoring the needs of the people completely," Verma said. The BJP candidate further claimed that Kejriwal has used funds from Punjab to keep the election campaign going and also filed false complaints against his opponents. "Instead of relying on Delhi, Kejriwal is bringing in money from Punjab to fund his election campaign. Also, while in power Kejriwal has resorted to filing false complaints against opponents to divert public attention from real issues," he added. Parvesh Verma urged the advocate community, "The legal fraternity has always stood for truth and justice. I request you to support the BJP in this election and help end Arvind Kejriwal's deceitful and corrupt politics. To save Delhi and steer it in the right direction, your support is crucial. The people of Delhi have realized that Kejriwal has done nothing for the city in the last 10 years. This election is about bringing New Delhi back on the path of development. A BJP government will ensure progress, transparency, and honest governance." The event was attended by advocates including Vivek Garg, Piyush Gupta, K.K. Tyagi, Anirudh Shukla, Rajeev Dubey, and several others. New Delhi assembly constituency will see a triangular contest between BJP's Parvesh Verma, AAP's Arvind Kejriwal and Congress' Sandeep Dikshit on February 5. (ANI)