Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Friday held a roadshow in Delhi's Patel Nagar in support of AAP candidate Vishesh Ravi and said that the people of the national capital are educated and the assembly poll results on February 8 will be shocking for the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
"...The people of Delhi are educated. The results on February 8 will be shocking for the BJP; the Congress already knows what they will get," said CM Mann. Reacting to the BJP's Sankalp Patra, he said, "First they called it 'revdi,' now are they distributing papad?" Earlier in the day, AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal announced that male students studying in schools and colleges will be offered free bus facilities and a 50 per cent concession in metro fare if the AAP government returns to power in Delhi. "The Aam Aadmi Party government gives maximum importance to education. The poor miss out on education because they do not have money. If our government is formed again, students will be provided with free bus facilities. It is free for female students now and we will make it free for boys too, said Arvind Kejriwal," said Kejriwal. This comes ahead of the Delhi assembly elections, which are scheduled to be held on February 5. The counting of votes will take place on February 8. The ruling AAP has already announced its candidates for all 70 assembly seats. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has announced its candidates for 59 seats. The last date for filing nominations is January 17. The date for scrutiny of nominations is January 18. The last date for withdrawal of candidature is January 20. A three-way contest is on the cards in Delhi between the ruling AAP, BJP and Congress. Congress, which was in power for 15 consecutive years in Delhi, has suffered setbacks in the last two assembly elections and has failed to win any seat. AAP dominated the 2020 assembly elections by winning 62 out of 70 seats while the BJP got eight seats. (ANI)