Indore Central Jail has surpassed Tihar Jail in terms of prisoner facilities, according to Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh High Court, Suresh Kumar Kait. After inspecting the Indore Central Jail, Kait expressed satisfaction with the cleanliness, food, and discipline, noting that prisoners didn't report any problems.
The information was divulged by Indore Central Jail Superintendent on Thursday, who said that Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh High Court, Suresh Kumar Kait inspected Indore Central Jail on Wednesday, interacted with prisoners and termed that there were better facilities for prisoners here than Tihar Jail. Indore Central Jail Superintendent, Alka Sonkar told ANI, "Chief Justice of MP High Court SK Kait held an inspection of Indore Central Jail on Wednesday where he looked after the arrangements in the jail and also interacted with the prisoners by visiting their barracks. Along with this, he also visited the kitchen of the jail and talked to the prisoner regarding any problems in the jail." Chief Justice Kait also inaugurated a handloom centre set up here for women prisoners which is the first handloom centre in Jail across the state. A total of 30 women prisoners have been trained for 15 days to operate the handloom, she added. "Chief Justice Kait also inaugurated a handloom centre in the Jail, which is the first handloom in jail for women across the state. 30 women prisoners have been given training to operate the handloom and they will work on it. We have received the old handlooms in donation, which we have repaired and ten handlooms have been operating now. We have trained women prisoners for 15 days to operate it properly," she said. What sets Indore Central Jail apart is its focus on rehabilitation and women's empowerment. The jail has launched a handloom center, a first in the state, where 30 women prisoners have been trained to operate handlooms. Additionally, a three-month certificate course is being offered to women prisoners in sequence work, covering various types of embroidery. "The Chief Justice asked the prisoners about their problems in Jail and expressed his satisfaction that there wasn't any problem. He said that he recently visited Tihar Jail a few days back and he heard about some shortcomings or problems. But in Central Jail Indore he asked the prisoners in every way and no one reported any kind of problem here. He seemed completely satisfied with the cleanliness, fooding and discipline of Indore Central Jail," she added. (ANI)