Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena on Tuesday directed the Chief Secretary and Police Commissioner to initiate a two-month special drive to identify and take strict action against illegal Bangladeshi immigrants residing in the national capital.
This direction, announced by Delhi LG's Secretariat, follows a 'representation' from Ulemas and Muslim leaders, who expressed concern over the growing presence of illegal infiltrators and called for immediate measures to address the issue. The drive will focus on "removing encroachments, cancelling illegally obtained government documents, and ensuring that these individuals are sent back to Bangladesh." "The LG Secretariat has written to the Chief Secretary and Police Commissioner, urging them to initiate 'strict action' against illegal Bangladeshi immigrants residing in the National Capital. The LG Secretariat has asked the Chief Secretary and the Police Commissioner to launch a special drive, spanning two months, to identify illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in Delhi and take strict action as per the extant rules in a time-bound manner," the letter from the LG Secretariat stated. Earlier on Saturday, a delegation of Ulemas and Muslim leaders from Dargah Hazrat Nizamuddin and Basti Hazrat Nizamuddin met LG VK Saxena, and expressed 'deep concern' about the attacks on Hindus and other minority communities in Bangladesh and demanded stringent action against Bangladeshi infiltrators residing in the national capital, as stated in the letter. "Prominent Ulemas and Muslim residents have requested that illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators should neither be given houses on rent nor employment by any establishment. Further, they have requested that their children should not be given admission to any government or private school. The Muslim leaders have also demanded the removal of illegal infiltrators from roads, footpaths, parks, and other government lands over which they have forcefully encroached. Any documents like Aadhar Cards, Voter IDs, or other government documents acquired illegally by Bangladeshi infiltrators should be cancelled immediately. They have also demanded that a special drive, similar to past efforts, be launched to identify the illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in Delhi and send them back immediately," the letter further stated. "In light of the gravity and seriousness of the issue, the Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor has desired that a two-month special drive be launched to take stringent and time-bound action, as demanded by the Muslim community. Weekly reports on the progress should be sent to the Secretariat regularly," it added. Notably, the Ulemas, in their representation to the LG, had demanded "stringent actions" against illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators in the country, barring them from employment and other benefits, and a drive for them to be sent back to Bangladesh. "Stringent actions be taken against illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators in the country, especially in Delhi. Illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators should not be given houses on rent, and those who have already rented their premises should evict them. They should not be given employment by any establishment, and those who have employed them should remove them. Delhi residents should be directed to inform the police if they find any illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators in their neighborhoods," their demands stated. "MCD and Delhi Police should be directed to remove illegal infiltrators from roads, footpaths, parks, and other government lands they have forcefully encroached upon. Any documents like Aadhar Cards, Voter IDs, or any other government documents acquired illegally by Bangladeshi infiltrators should be cancelled immediately. If any masjid or madarsa has given shelter to such infiltrators, they should evict them immediately. A special drive should be launched to identify such infiltrators and send them back to Bangladesh," it added. (ANI)