Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has instructed that everything from food to entertainment in the World Ayurveda Congress and Arogya Expo-2024 will have a "Uttarakhandi" imprint on it.
"Many hilly dishes will be served to the delegates from the country and abroad. A four-day menu has been prepared for this. Two days have been fixed for cultural programs, in which Mangal Gayan to Chholiya and other Uttarakhandi dances will be presented," the Chief Minister said. Regarding its organization, CM Dhami said that the organization of the World Ayurveda Congress and Arogya Expo-2024 is an important occasion for Uttarakhand in every way. "Uttarakhand will witness deep thought and brainstorming regarding Ayurveda, along with this, the culture here will also be promoted in the country and the world," he said. This event is going to be held from December 12 to 15 at Parade Ground, Dehradun. On this occasion, steps have also been taken to promote hill culture. According to Ayush Secretary, Ravinath Raman, a glimpse of Uttarakhand's culture will be seen in the food of the delegates and the cultural programs organized during this period. Earlier, calling Uttarakhand as the land of Yoga and AYUSH, CM Dhami described the 10th World Ayurveda Congress to be held in Dehradun as an effort to give a new identity to the state in the field of Ayurveda. He said that the nectar emerging from the contemplation, churning and discussions to be held in this global event to be held from December 12 to 15 will work to awaken not only India but the world in the field of Ayurveda. The Uttarakhand CM said that people have seen the effect of Ayurveda and AYUSH during the Corona epidemic. Releasing the curtain raiser and program guide of the 10th World Ayurveda Congress at the Media Center Secretariat on Monday, CM Dhami said that this event will also help spread the message of Sarve Santu Niramayah to every household. (ANI)