The Uttar Pradesh Police on Monday conducted raids at 13 places in the violence-hit Sambhal district around Deepasrai and Timardas Sarai areas leading to the recovery of objectionable items, including firearms and narcotics.
Sambhal Superintendent of Police (SP) Krishan Kumar Bishnoi said that the police achieved success in only three out of the 13 targeted locations. During the raid, they seized several vehicles and issued fines (challans) for 32 vehicles. According to the police, the objectionable items were recovered from three houses whose owners are Mulla Arshad, Tajaur and Mahwar. "Today, on the information of the informer, raids were conducted at 13 places in the areas around Deepasrai and Timardas Sarai, out of which the police got success at 3 places. In this, 93 packets of smack were found in the house of a person named Mulla Arshad. A 315-bore pistol was found in the house of a person named Tajaur and a 315-bore pistol and two live cartridges were found in the house of another person Mahwar," SP Bishnoi told ANI. "Apart from this, challans of about 32 vehicles have been issued, and some vehicles have been seized. These kinds of search operations will be conducted by the police further also," he added. Bishnoi further informed that a total of 39 people have been arrested. "In view of the violence of 24 November, a total of 39 people have been arrested and the arrest of people is also being ensured... This checking will continue further." Earlier on Thursday, the Uttar Pradesh Police reported that they recovered fired cartridge cases marked "Made in USA" from the violence-hit Sambhal district. Speaking to ANI, SP Bishnoi stated that the police, in collaboration with the municipality, are conducting thorough cleaning and searches of the streets, aiding the collection of evidence. "During today's search, two fired cases of 7.65 mm and two fired cases of 12 bore, with 'Made in USA' inscribed on them, were found. In a previous search, a fired case from the Pakistan Ordnance Factory was recovered. A total of 10 banned cartridges have been discovered so far," SP Bishnoi said. The violence in Sambhal erupted on November 24 during an Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) examination of a Mughal-era mosque, resulting in four deaths and multiple injuries among police personnel and locals. (ANI)