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Maintain balance between organics, chemical fertilisers: Tomar

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New Delhi | Friday, 2021 1:15:06 AM IST
Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Narendra Singh Tomar on Thursday called for balanced use of chemicals and fertilisers in agriculture sector.

"There was a time when the 'Green Revolution' was needed for ensuring food security. And that time, fertilizers were encouraged. But now that we have the food security, we need to ensure that there is no excess use of fertilisers.

"I can understand, fertilisers cannot vanish overnight. Organic or natural farming must also be encouraged, and it is necessary to maintain balance in farming," the Minister said while addressing the session on 'India@75: Expediting the Sustainable Growth of Agrochemicals Industry for Self-Reliant India', organised by FICCI, virtually from Bhopal.

Citing the government's efforts at encouraging technology in farming, he said: "Farmers are getting direct profits from new technology and various policies of the government in the country. Price of saffron grown in Kashmir increased from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 2 lakh a kilo after technological intervention."

He lauded the FICCI for its continuous support towards the development of the country.

The government is making all the efforts towards realising Prime Minister's vision of doubling farmers' income, he said. "The agriculture sector is crucial for the country's economy, which has proved its significance even in undesirable circumstances such as the Covid-19 pandemic," he added.

Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilisers, Bhagwanth Khuba, said: "It is our responsibility to focus on judicious use of agrochemicals and reducing residue level. Research and development in the agrochemical sector should be strengthened and it is the need of the hour."

Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Kailash Choudhary also spoke on the occasion.

Mentioning that working towards curbing the ill effects of agrochemicals is needed, NITI Aayog Member, Ramesh Chand said: "To obtain efficiency, agrochemical and biochemical play an important role. We need to focus on 'waste to wealth' from 'waste to burning'."

--IANS niv/vd

( 327 Words)

2021-09-24-00:58:01 (IANS)

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