Tamil actor and filmmaker Dhanush has announced that his fourth directorial venture, 'Idli Kadai', will hit theatres in April this year. The film stars Dhanush alongside National Award-winning actress Nithya Menen.
On Monday, Dhanush took to X (formerly Twitter) to share two brand-new posters from the film on the occasion of Pongal. In one poster, Dhanush gazes into the distance against a scenic backdrop, while in another, he embraces his co-star Nithya Menen. Along with the posters the actor also wished fans for the festival as he wrote "Happy Pongal" https://x.com/dhanushkraja/status/1878781613800399016 The actor first revealed the film in September by sharing a concept poster on his X account. The poster showed a small roadside shop under a starry night sky with the text, "#D52 #DD4 Om Namashivaaya." Nithya Menen, who won the National Film Award for Best Actress in November for her role in 'Thiruchitrambalam', is reuniting with Dhanush in 'Idli Kadai'. The duo's previous collaboration in 'Thiruchitrambalam' was a success and was praised for its appealing story. Idli Kadai features music by GV Prakash, cinematography by Kiran Koushik, and editing by Prasanna GK. The film is being produced by Dhanush's Wunderbar Films in collaboration with Aakash Baskaran's Dawn Pictures. It is slated for release on April 10, 2025. (ANI)