Tel Aviv [Israel], March 10 (ANI/TPS): Starting on Monday, business owners from communities evacuated due to the war, business owners in the northern confrontation line area, business owners in the northern Golan Heights defence area, and business owners in additional communities that appear on a list published on the Israel Tax Authority website, will be able to file a claim for compensation in the salary track for the months of November-December 2024.
Under this track, those businesses will be compensated with a fixed amount of 520 Shekels (USD 143) per day, for each employee who was absent from the workplace during the months of November and December 2024, due to IDF (Israel Defense Forces) Home Front Command guidelines prohibiting gatherings, as well as the absence of an employee who is required to supervise a child up to the age of 14 due to the security situation. Alternatively, those businesses will be able to choose the option that already exists today, to file a claim for compensation under the rotation track for that period. (ANI/TPS)