Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, during his official visit to Japan, met with key stakeholders to promote the state's investment opportunities. CM Yadav posted on X (formerly Twitter), saying, "Today, I had an extensive discussion on investment opportunities in Madhya Pradesh with Mr. Susumu Kataoka, Chairman of Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), and his delegation, at Minato-ku, Tokyo. During the meeting, JETRO was invited to establish an office in Madhya Pradesh, the heart of India. JETRO stated that the upcoming 'Global Investors Summit' will be an excellent platform for Japanese companies to understand investment opportunities in Madhya Pradesh and strengthen partnerships. JETRO will assist in inviting more Japanese companies to the event and enhancing investment collaboration." Throughout his visit, CM Yadav engaged in a series of high-level meetings with business leaders, government officials, and investors. One of the key highlights was his visit to the Senso-ji Buddhist temple, reflecting the cultural and historical ties between India and Japan. CM Yadav emphasised Japan's importance to Buddhism and reiterated Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision for deeper bilateral cooperation. "Japan has great significance when it comes to Buddhism. During my official visit here, I held meetings with officials of Japan's Foreign Ministry and various investors over investment opportunities in Madhya Pradesh. It is also PM Modi's vision that India and Japan work together, and we are here to make it a reality. While we continue our official work, we are also trying to better understand the culture here. I hope Mahatma Gautam Buddha will bless both the nations and we will work forward," Yadav said. In a separate meeting with Daiki Arai, Director of A&D Medical, CM Yadav introduced the 75-acre Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Park in Ujjain, presenting it as an attractive destination for global medical device manufacturers. The park offers prime land at highly subsidised rates, aiming to boost the state's healthcare and industrial infrastructure. Yadav also discussed the potential applications of Japan's advanced railway technology in Madhya Pradesh during talks with Yuji Fukasawa, Chair of the Committee on South Asia at Keidanren and Chairman of East Japan Railway Company. A key element of the visit was CM Yadav's collaboration with JETRO and the Indian Embassy in Japan. JETRO's participation in the "Global Investors Summit 2025" was discussed, and CM Yadav's invitation to the summit was widely acknowledged. As stated by the Indian Embassy, "Hon'ble Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, H.E. Dr. Mohan Yadav met H.E. Ms. Yuriko Koike, Hon'ble Governor of Tokyo. Invited participation at the 'Global Investors Summit 2025,' a flagship investment promotion event being held on 24th & 25th February 2025 in Bhopal. (ANI)