Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath hosted Lindy Cameron, the British High Commissioner to India, at his residence in Lucknow on Thursday. They discussed higher education prospects, business opportunities, electric vehicles (EVs), and more.
Cameron expressed her gratitude to Adityanath for his insights and efforts to advance the India-Britain partnership. "Thank you Chief Minister @myogiadityanath for sharing your valuable insights and driving forward the Britain-India partnership during my first visit to #UttarPradesh (and first meeting with a Chief Minister). Lots to take forward - higher education links, business opportunities, EVs and more," she said in a post on X. https://x.com/Lindy_Cameron/status/1821520055634624529 Yogi Adityanath shared a peacock memento with Cameron, noting in a post on X, "Had a courtesy meeting with the British High Commissioner to India, Ms. Lindy Cameron at my official residence in Lucknow today." https://x.com/myogiadityanath/status/1821518072261288077 Earlier, Lindy Cameron congratulated India and the United Kingdom on the ongoing multilateral exercise Tarang Shakti and said the defence and security cooperation between the two countries extends beyond sea, land and air. The Royal Air Force (RAF) of the United Kingdom joined the Indian Air Force (IAF) and counterparts from Germany, Spain, and France in the first phase of the IAF's maiden multilateral exercise, Tarang Shakti, on Tuesday. The RAF contingent, comprising 130 personnel, six Eurofighter Typhoons, two A330 Voyager air-to-air refuellers and an A-400M military transport aircraft, arrived at Sulur Air Force Station in Tamil Nadu. Lindy Cameron, British High Commissioner to India, said: "I congratulate the Indian Air Force on organising its first multilateral air exercise, Tarang Shakti, and am delighted that the Royal Air Force is one of the key participants." "Our cooperation in security and defence extends across the seas, land, and air. It is crucial that our armed forces work together to preserve stability and enhance prosperity in the Indo-Pacific," she added. (ANI)