Saturday, June 29, 2024

Macron warns of 'civil war' threat if far left or far right wins in snap election

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Paris | June 25, 2024 8:11:20 AM IST
French President Emmanuel Macron issued a stark warning on Monday, cautioning that a victory for either the far left or the far right in the upcoming snap election could potentially ignite "civil war," Politico - an American political newspaper, reported.

Macron expressed concerns about the divisive policies pursued by both ends of the political spectrum. He singled out Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally and the far-left France Unbowed, led by Jean-Luc Melenchon, accusing them of exacerbating tensions within French society.

Macron criticised the far-right's approach to insecurity, arguing that it "reduces people to their religion or their origin" and therefore "pushes people towards civil war," Politico reported, citing an interview with the podcast "Generation Do It Yourself."

Similarly, he denounced the far-left's strategy of dividing people along religious or ethnic lines for electoral gains, warning that such tactics also sow seeds of potential conflict.

The French president's decision to call for a snap election on June 9 came after his coalition suffered a significant setback against the National Rally in the European elections. As France prepares for parliamentary elections, Macron expressed concern that a surge in support for the far right could result in a record number of National Rally members in the National Assembly, according to Politico.

Recent polls indicate a competitive electoral landscape, with the National Rally projected to secure 35 per cent of the vote in the first round, ahead of a left-wing alliance, including France Unbowed, at 27 per cent, and Macron's centrist party at 19 per cent.

Macron and his allies have been vocal in highlighting the potential risks associated with a victory for either extreme end of the political spectrum.

On Monday, the president went a step further in warning what he called the "extremes" increase in "conflict and civil war."

"When you are fed up, and daily life is hard, you can be tempted to vote for the extremes that have quicker solutions. But the solution will never be to reject others," he said, Politico reported. (ANI)

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