Wednesday, June 26, 2024

PoJK: Public frustration grows over government's handling of bridge construction projects

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Bagh | June 17, 2024 6:11:28 PM IST
Infrastructure development in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, particularly concerning bridges, has faced significant challenges recently.

Insufficient funding and budgetary constraints have delayed bridge projects, resulting in delays, compromised construction quality, and the inability to implement crucial safety measures.

Additionally, there is growing dissatisfaction among the public towards Sardar Mir Akbar, a minister in the PoJK government. The locals are unhappy not only with his neglect of their demands for a new bridge in the Chatter area but also with his actions exacerbating tensions.

In a recent meeting, Sardar reportedly mistreated people who were advocating for the completion of a long-awaited bridge.

Sardar Jahangir, President of United Forum, Bagh, said, "Sardar Mir Akbar, a minister in the government, was anticipated to bring relief to the residents of Chatter. However, his recent speeches there were rather upsetting; he attempted to create division among the people."

"We strongly condemn this behaviour and wish to convey a message: if substantial progress is not made on the construction of the bridge by the 29th, we will escalate our protests against Sardar Mir Akbar and the PoJK government," he said in an interview.

Bureaucratic procedures, permits, and approvals often create delays in construction projects. The complexity of regulatory frameworks and legal disputes further complicates the construction process.

Moreover, there is widespread frustration among the public as they expect government officials to al least demonstrate empathy towards their demands.

Sardar Jahangir said that if a government official speaks irresponsibly and worsens the situation, Sardar Mir Akbar will be held accountable for the consequences.

"This should be clearly understood," he added.

PoJK suffers from inadequate infrastructure that hampers economic growth and quality of life for its residents.

Corruption further exacerbates these challenges, with reports of funds meant for infrastructure projects being siphoned off through bribery, nepotism, and embezzlement. (ANI)

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