Thousands of Tibetans and foreign followers gathered at the main Tibetan temple, Tsuglagkhang in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh to offer prayers for the Dalai Lama, informed a press release on Wednesday.
Dalai Lama was offered prayers for his long life by students, staff and former students of the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics, as well as members of Sera Je Hardong Khangtsen, the Tibetan Chamber of Commerce and the Lha Ngam Phun Sum (Lhatse Dzong, Ngamring Dzong and Phuntsoling Dzong) regional organization. The ceremony began with the recitation of praise to the Buddha and was presided over by Ganden Tri Rinpoche and Kewtsang Rinpoche. They were joined in the front row by Lamas belonging to several other Tibetan Buddhist traditions. Among the guests were Tagtsag Kundelling Rinpoche, Guru Tulku Rinpoche, Lochen Rinpoche and the acting head of the Jonang tradition. This was followed by a recitation of 'Clouds of Ambrosial Blessings', Trulshik Rinpoche's invocation of the series of incarnations of Avalokiteshvara in Tibet. The proceedings on Wednesday, followed the 'Long-Life Ceremony of White Tara of the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel' by the fifth Dalai Lama. This was the culmination of seven days of preparation during which monks recited prayers and repeated mantras to bless the symbolic substances that would be offered. The text included repeated offerings and requests that the 'life of our glorious, sacred Lama' be prolonged. After the chanting of a prayer for Dalai Lama's long life by Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro, Kewtsang Rinpoche presented a final mandala offering to His Holiness in gratitude for his having accepted today's prayer for his long life. During the recitation of a prayer for the ecumenical spread of the Buddha's teachings, the 'tsog', the heap of food that had been consecrated as part of the ceremony, was distributed among the congregation. The proceedings concluded with the chanting of the 'Prayer of the Words of Truth', prayers for auspiciousness and verses of dedication. "Dalai Lama emerged from the temple smiling and waving to jubilant friends and well-wishes as he walked down the side of the temple to the lift, and then, on the level of the courtyard, to the golf cart that would carry him home," the release added. (ANI)