Four of the six teenage football players, who were kidnapped in Balochistan's Dera Bugti district on September 9, have been safely rescued, The Express Tribune reported.
The armed assailants, who forcibly abducted the six football players earlier this month in the Sangsila region of Dera Bugti district, were on their route to Sibi to compete in the Chief Minister Balochistan Gold Cup event, the report stated. The terrifying episode served as a sobering reminder of the tumultuous security situation in several Balochistan regions. The confirmation of the kidnapping by a senior government officialwho spoke on the condition of anonymity owing to a lack of media authorizationraised immediate worries for the players' safety. Security measures in the targeted area were promptly increased in response to the kidnapping, The Express Tribune reported. The missing footballers were actively searched for, according to Saleh Muhammad Nasar, the Additional Chief Secretary (Home) of Balochistan. And, they have now been found. CaretakerChiefMinisterAliMardanDomkibecameawareoftheoccurrencerightawayduetotheseriousnessofthesituation. ItwasrevealedinanofficialstatementfromtheChiefMinister'sSecretariatthatCMDomkigavethelocalgovernmentstrictinstructionstostepupeffortstoensurethesafeandundamagedreturnofthekidnappedfootballplayers. ThechiefministeralsodemandedthecreationofajointsquadmadeupofpoliceandLeviesparamilitaryforcestocoordinateandspeedupattemptstofindandfreetheothertwokidnappedsportsmen. The search for the other two players is ongoing, even though four of the players have already been reunited with their family. (ANI)