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Non-bailable arrest warrant against Imran Khan suspended till tomorrow in judge-threatening case

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Islamabad | March 30, 2023 8:04:50 PM IST
In another relief for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan, a local court in Islamabad suspended the non-bailable arrest warrant against the former prime minister in the judge-threatening case till tomorrow (Friday), reported Geo News.

The arrest warrant for the PTI chief was issued by Judicial Magistrate Malik Aman on Wednesday in a case related to alleged threats made to a woman judge.

The charges, in this case, are related to a speech by Khan in which he allegedly threatened police and a female judge last year after one of his close aides, Shahbaz Gill, was denied bail in a sedition case, reported Geo News.

The case dates back to August 20, 2022 when the PTI chairman had condemned the police as well as the judiciary over the alleged custodial torture of Shahbaz Gill and announced that his party would file cases against then-Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr Akbar Nasir Khan, the DIG and Additional District and Sessions Judge Zeba Chaudhry.

Initially, Imran was booked under various sections of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) and Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA). Besides, Islamabad High Court (IHC) also initiated contempt of court proceedings against him, according to Geo News.

The cricketer-turned-politician has faced a barrage of legal woes since his ouster in a no-confidence vote in April last year by a united opposition led by his successor, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif.

A convicted politician is liable to be disqualified for at least five years under the laws of the land, reported Geo News.

Meanwhile, Khan's arrest warrant issued in the Toshakhana case was also suspended owing to security threats to him.

His appearance in court was risky as an assassination bid had been made on the PTI chief and the government had also withdrawn the security, according to his lawyer.

Khan's lawyers Ali Bukhari and Faisal Chaudhry appeared before Additional Sessions Judge Sikandar Khan during a hearing at a district and sessions court in the federal capital.

Bukhari further stated that Khan wasn't demanding to be discharged from the case but that a legal procedure should be adopted, reported Geo News.

Contending that the former PM had serious security threats, Chaudhry said that even the administration changed the court due to them therefore, Khan's non-bailable arrest warrant should be suspended.

At this, the court suspended the non-bailable arrest warrant till tomorrow while issuing notices to the parties, reported Geo News. (ANI)

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