Delhi's Rouse Avenue court on Thursday recorded the evidence of Deputy Director (Photo Division) of Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL) in connection with the Pul Bangash Sikh Killings linked to 1984 anti-Sikh riots.
Former Congress MP Jagdish Tytler is facing trial in this case. Special judge (CBI) Jitendra Singh recorded the evidence of S Ingarsal (Deputy Director, photo and Scientific Aid division) CFSL as a prosecution witness. He was cross-examined by defence counsel Advocate Anil Kumar Sharma and Anuj Sharma. The witness deposed that he examined a CD containing five videos. On examination no editing was found in the videos contained in the CD. The video clips were found genuine and there was no discrepancy. He further deposed that the five video clips were not in continuity, however, all the visuals in the clips were found in the subsequent order. The said five video clips were observed to be relatively similar and found to be a part of a continuous video footage in respect of the subjects (persons), location, background, set properties, relative position and pattern of on screen date and time stamp and also the lighting conditions, the witness deposed. Thereafter he reported on September 27, 2022. With the permission of the court, the CD was opened and played in court for identification of audio and video footages by the witness. The cross-examination has been deferred for the next date of hearing by the court. The Rouse Avenue court is recording the prosecution evidence in a case related to the killing of three Sikhs in Pul Bangash area on November 1, 2024. (ANI)