Bharatiya Janata Party MP Manoj Tiwari on Monday inspected the search and rescue operations underway after a building collapsed in Burari and claimed that there might have been negligence on someone's part for the collapse.
The BJP MP has said that police reports estimate around 20 people could be trapped under the collapsed building, with twelve people rescued so far. He also mentioned one girl's condition was "very serious" after she was rescued. "It was a 4-storey building and the construction was completed. The POP work for finishing was underway... As per the police reports, 20-22 people were trapped... 12 people have been rescued. The NDRF is at the spot," Tiwari told reporters. He further claimed that there is "no doubt" that there was negligence on someone's part for this collapse. "There is no doubt that there is a huge negligence. A newly-built four-storey building has collapsed... Whoever is responsible will not be spared," he told ANI. The four-storey building collapsed at approximately 6:30 pm in Kaushik Enclave, Burari on Monday. Police said that they received a call regarding the incident at 6:58 pm. "The condition of one girl child is very serious... The rest of the people have been sent to the hospital and they are out of danger," Tiwari said. Questioning the quality of the building, he said that such a collapse raises a lot of questions but the priority is to make sure to rescue all the people. "A 4-storey building has collapsed after the construction was complete, this raises a lot of questions... The police and the NDRF have said that there is a possibility of some people still being stuck...," he said and further demanded action against anyone responsible for the collapse, "Whoever is responsible will not be spared...but right now our priority is to rescue all the people." Earlier today, Delhi Chief Minister Atishi assured people that all possible help will be extended to the affected people, and ordered the local administration to ensure speedy relief and rescue operations for the people feared trapped. Giving her assurance, the CM posted on X, "This incident of building collapse in Burari is extremely sad. I have spoken to the local administration to ensure speedy relief and rescue operations. All possible help will be provided to the affected people." (ANI)