Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Monday lashed out at Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convener Arvind Kejriwal, refuting the claims of water scarcity, saying that there was an issue in the distribution system since he failed to manage it for 10 years.
"He (Arvind Kejriwal) talks about Ammonia. He claims scarcity of water - but there is no scarcity; there is an issue in the distribution system. He cannot manage the distribution of water in 10 years, even though he promised it, still, people are getting polluted water," Saini . He said that it was Kejriwal's nature to make allegations and run away. Asking the former Delhi Chief Minister to send his chief secretary, Saini asserted that he was ready to send his officials to check the quality of water at Sonipat from where the Yamuna water enters the national capital. "It is his (Arvind Kejriwal) nature and thinking to allege and then run away. There's a saying, 'thooko aur bhago (spit and run)'. This is what Kejriwal does. I said that you send your chief secretary and I will ask my chief secretary to check the quality of water at Sonipat from where it (Yamuna) is entering Delhi," Saini said. The Haryana Chief Minister urged Kejriwal to focus on governance rather than making accusations. "He should work instead of making allegations. The people of Delhi have made up their minds and they will teach him a lesson," Saini added. Haryana Minister Shruti Chaudhary also dismissed Kejriwal's claims, calling them "election gimmicks" and labeling AAP as a "drama party." "He has nothing else. Haryana never fails in its role and the CM has given a befitting reply today... These are just election gimmicks. This is not Aam Aadmi Party its drama party," she said. Another Minister in the Haryana government, Shyam Singh Rana said, "They can send their Chief Secretary or the Chief Engineer and test the water being sent to Delhi, only then should they say anything." Earlier, ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections next week, Kejriwal alleged that the BJP-led Haryana government had "poisoned" the Yamuna water supplied to Delhi, claiming it could have led to mass casualties. "BJP's Haryana government has poisoned the water in Yamuna," Kejriwal said in a press conference while claiming that the alertness of Delhi Jal board prevented the mixing of alleged poisoned water with drinking water. "If this water would have entered Delhi only to be mixed with the drinking water, many people would have died in Delhi. It would have caused mass genocide," the former Delhi chief minister alleged. He further said that the water treatment plants in Delhi were not equipped to treat this kind of polluted water. "It has caused water scarcity in one-third of Delhi," Kejriwal added. (ANI)