The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has seized Rs 31 lakh, incriminating records and various digital devices during searches conducted at nine locations in Rajasthan covering premises of former MLA Baljeet Yadav in connection with alleged money laundering investigation related to the MLA-LAD fund scam in sports equipment purchase for schools, the agency said on Monday.
ED's Jaipur zonal office conducted the search operation on January 24, in Jaipur and Dausa in Rajasthan, and Rewari in Haryana covering premises of Baljeet Yadav, Ex-MLA from Behror constituency of Rajasthan, and his related persons and entities under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002. ED initiated the investigation based on a First Information Report (FIR) registered by Jaipur Anti Corruption Branch under various sections of Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (as amended in 2018), Indian Penal Code, 1860 and Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012. The FIR was registered based on the information shared by the ED under various sections of PMLA, 2002. ED investigation claimed that "Baljeet Yadav recommended the purchase of sports equipments for 32 schools under his constituency." "Tenders were awarded to favoured entities created in the name of Ex-MLA's associates namely Balaji Complete Solution Pvt Ltd, Surya Enterprises, Rajput Sports Enterprises and Sharma Sports Enterprises flouting various norms. The sports equipment supplied to the schools were found to be of inferior quality and were supplied at highly inflated prices," stated the agency. Further, the federal agency said, the MLA-LAD funds paid to these entities were diverted to the relatives and associates of Baljeet Yadav for his wrongful gains. (ANI)