The Mahakumbh-2025 in Prayagraj has seen an unprecedented influx of devotees, with a massive 10.80 crore plus taking the sacred plunge at the revered Ganga-Yamuna-Saraswati confluence, as of Friday. The Uttar Pradesh government quoted the Chief Minister's statement on the significant milestone achieved. "The first Maha Kumbh of this century has started on the holy land of Prayagraj from January 13. In the last 10 days, more than 10 crore devotees have earned merit by taking a dip in the holy Triveni...: #UPCM Shri @myogiadityanath Ji," the post read. Despite cold conditions, a large congregation of devotees gathered at the Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj to take a dip in the ongoing Mahakumbh. Apart from this, authorities are focusing on preparations for the upcoming Mauni Amavasya on January 29, anticipating large crowds of devotees. Visitors from around the world are often left in awe as they witness people from different languages, lifestyles, and traditions coming together at the Sangam for a holy dip. Several devotees from Russia and Ukraine two countries embroiled in deadly conflict for close to three years attended the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 in Prayagraj and presented a message of spiritual unity. The atmosphere in Prayagraj turned sublime, as devotees in the cold winter evening gathered to perform kirtan, and sang 'Hare Rama Hare Krishna'. The Maha Kumbh is held after every 12 years and a huge turnout of devotees is expected in Prayagraj from January 13 to February 26. According to tradition, pilgrims flock to the Sangam--the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati (now extinct) rivers--to take the holy dip believed to absolve sins and grant moksha (liberation). Rooted in Sanatan Dharma, the event signifies a celestial alignment that creates an auspicious period for spiritual cleansing and devotion. The Mahakumbh Mela is expected to host over 45 Crore visitors, marking a historic occasion for India. (ANI)