Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has announced a compensation of Rs three lakh each to the next of kin of those who died in the two separate road accidents in Uttara Kannada, Raichur districts on Wednesday morning. In the Uttara Kannada accident, 11 people died and in Raichur, four people died.
"The state government will provide a compensation of Rs. 3 lakh each to the families of those who died in two separate accidents that occurred in Yellapur in Uttara Kannada district and Sindhanur in Raichur district," Siddaramaiah said in a post on X. "In addition, arrangements will be made for free treatment of those injured in the accident. Haste, speeding, and carelessness are the causes of accidents. I appeal to you to drive carefully and be safe," he added. SF Kammar, KMC hospital Director said, " One patient was brought dead ( to the hospital). The rest of the 11 injured are admitted to our emergency department...these patients are going to be evaluated, right now they are out of danger but continuous monitoring is required..." The victims were said to be vegetable sellers who were travelling to Kumta market from Savanur to sell vegetables when the truck they were travelling in toppled and fell into a 50-metre-deep valley. Earlier, the Chief Minister condoled the deaths. "It was heartbreaking to hear the news that a total of 14 people died in two separate accidents in Yellapur in Uttara Kannada district and Sindhanur in Raichur district," he said. "I pray for the souls of the deceased to rest in peace. My condolences to the grieving people who lost their loved ones in these tragic events," he added. Eleven people were killed and 14 injured after a truck carrying them overturned Yellapur in Uttara Kannada this morning. The victims were travelling to Kumta market from Savanur to sell vegetables. In another incident, four people died and 10 others were injured after a vehicle overturned at Sindhanur in Karnataka's Raichur district this morning. (ANI)