Union Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Tuesday slammed Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal's remarks on Bharatiya Janata Party's second manifesto for Delhi polls and said his credibility is down and there is very strong "anti-incumbency" against the ruling party in the national capital.
He said the BJP has said that facilities being given to Delhi residents will continue. "In the first phase of our manifesto or Sankalp Patra, BJP president JP Nadda said that all the facilities will remain the same, we are going to give additional facilities. I think their (AAP leaders') mental stability will really be seriously doubted. PM Modi has given 3,200 houses in Kalkaji and around 1,900 houses in Jailorwala Bagh...He (Arvind Kejriwal) said he would build a sports university in Mundka in 2015. Till date, it has not been built and it seems that it will never be built. He claimed he will build 500 new schools, I want to ask them do they even have the land for 5 new schools?... The Union Cabinet has approved 85 new Kendriya Vidyalayas in the country under the civil defence sector," Puri told ANI. "I think Kejriwal will be under a lot of pressure in the coming days...Kejriwalji, the time has come, you should accept your mistakes and worry about Delhi a bit, otherwise BJP will have to do it...As I said earlier, anti-incumbency is very strong, people are finding it difficult to breathe here, when the AQI is very poor, people celebrate because AQI is so bad that when it reaches Very Poor, we become happy...River Yamuna is 500-2000 times more polluted...There is anti-incumbency against Kejriwal, his credibility is down because the corruption cases against him are coming out now...Kejriwalji, do you remember in 2012 you had said that if there was no CAG, Congress would have sold this country," he added. The union minister accused Kejriwal of resorting to "drama" on various issues. "Even with Delhi metro, they did not cooperate, we (union government) had pushed for things, it is a 50/50 partnership but they have their own problems. They even went to the Supreme Court saying they were not given funds, only when SC asked them about advertising spending did they have some shame. So after all this, Kejriwal's 'political natak' has been severely dented," he said. He slammed the AAP government over its not tabling CAG reports in the assembly, saying that the CAG report noted that the liquor policy of the AAP government, which was later scrapped, incurred a loss of over Rs 2000 crore. He alleged that classrooms in schools were also built at an exorbitant cost. Delhi will go to the polls on February 5 and votes will be counted on February 8. (ANI)