Himachal Pradesh Assembly Leader of Opposition (LoP) Jairam Thakur hit out at the Aam Admi Party (AAP) national convenor and suggested that the former Delhi Chief Minister is "confused" as the "power is slipping out of his hand."
Replying to a query regarding Arvind Kejriwal alleging that the BJP is "stopping" his subsidies, Thakur responded, "Arvind Kejriwal is in such a state of confusion right now, he does not know what he is saying. Such a situation arises when power is slipping out of hand." The BJP leader termed the BJP's 'Sankalp Patra part 2 a very good step. "If KG to PG (free education) is mentioned in the BJP's 'Sankalp Patra', is a very good step that has been taken by the BJP leadership. We will also help in coaching and for competitive exams, we have also announced arrangements for that...The BJP in its manifesto has mentioned 300 units, not 200 units of free electricity...," he added, taking a dig at Kejriwal. He also expressed confidence that the BJP will form the government with a huge majority in the state assembly polls. "Certainly, in this election, Delhi has decided that the BJP has to be brought to power here with a big majority so that the double-engine government, the central government and the state government of Delhi can work together for the development of Delhi," the BJP leader said. Meanwhile, BJP released its Sankalp Patra 2 on Tuesday for the upcoming Delhi assembly elections. Reacting to this, Arvind Kejriwal launched a scathing attack on the BJP, saying that the manifesto released by the ruling party in the centre was "dangerous" for the national capital and country. "BJP has released two Sankalp Patras so far, both are dangerous for Delhi and the country. We are constantly saying that we have made education free if they come to power, they will stop free education and free electricity. Four days ago, in the first Sankalp Patra, they said that they will stop mohalla clinics," Kejriwal said during a press conference. Kejriwal, the former Delhi Chief Minister, alleged that the BJP would stop education in government schools if they were voted to power. Delhi will go to the polls on February 5 and the counting of votes will take place on February 8. A three-way contest is on the cards in Delhi between the ruling AAP, BJP, and Congress. Congress, which was in power for 15 consecutive years in Delhi, has suffered setbacks in the last two assembly elections and has failed to win any seat. AAP dominated the 2020 assembly elections by winning 62 out of 70 seats while the BJP got eight seats. (ANI)